Movie review score
Castle is probably one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Adequately fast-paced, witty, led by sublime plotting and ruling the crime multiverse, Castle is one of my personal favorites. When it comes to just sitting back and having the time of your life for an hour no show can compete. The lives of the police officers at the 12th Precinct have never been better portrayed.
This show can truly entertain you, and can certainly keep you right on the edge at times when it needs to!
Platypus Rating = 4/5
So why a 4? The show is amazing, with exceptionally amusing crime solving techniques and a decent amount of the popular thrill factor. The characters are just superb: Castle is continually wry and witty; Beckett is naturally good looking and sharp; Esposito fills in the 'bad cops'' shoes; Ryan backbones the plots with his concern and well developed skills as an officer. The show did do quite well during the course of its currently running four seasons, but the reason it just missed a 5 is the surprising turn of events in the season four finale episode, which, as the description aptly said, could really turn the show around. So here's one for a better next season!
Favorite Episode
My favorite episode is undoubtedly '47 Seconds' from Season 4. This one was mind-blowing with twists at every turn of the central plot and a huge leap in character development along the sides. The plot itself was incredible, with a vast array of suspects which remains unclear till the last few minutes. The direction was almost too good to be true, with th story unfolding from multiple viewpoints throughout the episode. The flashbacks and witness recollections together with Castle's final solution were awe-inspiring. Why, if this were an episode review, it would easily get a big old 5!