
Frankly, as far as I can tell, this show revolves around two brothers who set off around the country to kill demons and whatnot, and end up releasing Lucifer and subsequently aim to kill him and fail. For seasons and seasons on end. Oh and I did I mention that everyone dies? Several times at that.

Platypus Score 2

I honestly can't give this show a higher score with a clear conscience. This show faces some heavy competition when it comes to the other shows aired on the same channel. Does it deserve to take up air times which can be used for airing other, perhaps more entertaining shows? Nope. In fact, unless you are an avid follower or are willing to read regular plot summaries, most of the time you'd find it impossible keep up with what's happening onscreen. It's certainly not one of the shows you can simply watch when you feel like. Supernatural requires your utmost devotion and concentration to the series. Unfortunately, this can be painful. The only thing worth watching in this show is the smooth talking manner in which the brothers converse and battle demons. There are some instances of remarkable editing and special effects, but these are not exquisite enough to sustain the show by themselves. 

Something to look forward to?

For me, this only thing to look forward to are the days when Supernatural leaves aired television and opens up it's one hour slots to more deserving programs. The show did have a few sparks of potential, but with the multiple deaths of main characters, twisted and confusing story lines and maddening stretching out of events, it could barely manage a feeble glow of success let alone a brilliant set of fireworks.


This 2012 movie is about a group of explorers who set off to the other side of the galaxy in hopes of finding the beings that created the human race - the Engineers. Accompanied by a humanoid droid, David, they discover something on a distant that threatens the entire human existence. That's what the promo says anyway.

Platypus Score 3

This may take a bit to explain. The movie was good, no doubt about that, but it really didn't pack as much as one would hope. The plot was lined with numerous areas on which further development would not only be helpful but really intriguing. Certain scenes even looked suspiciously similar to the Alien franchise, although this is probably to be expected since Jon Spaihts wrote both. The technical effects were amazing, as the entire movie is set in 2089, and the spaceship design was utterly awe-inspiring. This was one of the rare movies which actually look brilliant in digital 3-D; the opening scene in Scotland really seemed lifelike. The entire theme, aliens and futuristic technology, is instinctually appealing, however, apart from the main character, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, there is a dearth of valuable supporting characters. David, the android, is unnaturally ...creepy. There's no other way to describe his utmost disregard for emotion and cold calculations. Thumbs up to Micheal Fassbender for some really convincing acting there. 

Favorite Scene

Despite all of the limitations listed above, Prometheus had some exceptionally enjoyable scenes. You can feel an unmistakable tingle of thrill and fright when the explorers discover the first Engineer, when they discover the alien spaceship and when the DNA comparison test result is revealed. This movie is definitely one to watch, but keep in mind, certain scenes like the alien battles and the aborted alien pregnancy make Prometheus deserving of its A rating. 


I doubt there's anybody who hasn't seen this movie - it's certainly been one of the best to hit cinemas this year. Well-paced, energetic and hilarious. Whatever you can think of The Avengers had it. Iron Man truly pseudo-led the Avengers to success in this amazing film.

Platypus Score 5

Hooray! I've been waiting for a 5 to come along for a long time, and there's nothing better than this movie. I really enjoyed every minute of it, especially all of the scenes of futuristic vehicles. Iron Man and the Hulk undoubtedly stole the show, but only worked well due to the persistent support of the others, like Captain America. Most people don't realize this, but Tony Stark could not have been as funny as he was without the rigid stance of Captain America. Anyway, this movie was exceptional in its action scenes and equally mind blowing in its simple but embellished plot line. In short, a well deserved 5! 

Favorite Scene

This is hard. Come to think of it, it nearly always is. There are so many memorable moments, 'Hulk...Smash!', 'Take off the suit and what are you?' and even 'The secret is, I'm always angry.' This movie was surprisingly enjoyable and unforgettable scene by scene, right to the very end!


I remember this show when it just started out - lots of potential, inherently funny and enjoyable. The show was really worth many a re-watch, until of course it ran its course and begun to lob cliche after cliche upon us. Sadly, due to its recent fall in innovative episodes, this show gets a 3.

Platypus Score = 3

Although truly brilliant in its early stages of development, the show has regrettably reached and begun to teeter off the apex of its creativity. A show can only be so funny, and now the serious plot line is far too cliched and even downright intolerable at certain points. Barney and Quinn? That is the most far-fetched commitment ever. Ted admitting his love for Robin for the umpteenth time? Please: not again!

Favorite Episode

I have a quite a few favorites but most date back to the early seasons: namely season 1 and 2. Season three had too much of Stella for my liking and ended quite predictably. As for the fun-filled and carefree mood of seasons one and two, what can I say? 'Arriverderci Fiero'  was amazing, especially due to the fact that it was loaded with my preferred song for Summer 2012 - 'oh I would walk 500 miles and I walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked a 1000 miles...'