Movie review score


Frankly, as far as I can tell, this show revolves around two brothers who set off around the country to kill demons and whatnot, and end up releasing Lucifer and subsequently aim to kill him and fail. For seasons and seasons on end. Oh and I did I mention that everyone dies? Several times at that.

Platypus Score 2

I honestly can't give this show a higher score with a clear conscience. This show faces some heavy competition when it comes to the other shows aired on the same channel. Does it deserve to take up air times which can be used for airing other, perhaps more entertaining shows? Nope. In fact, unless you are an avid follower or are willing to read regular plot summaries, most of the time you'd find it impossible keep up with what's happening onscreen. It's certainly not one of the shows you can simply watch when you feel like. Supernatural requires your utmost devotion and concentration to the series. Unfortunately, this can be painful. The only thing worth watching in this show is the smooth talking manner in which the brothers converse and battle demons. There are some instances of remarkable editing and special effects, but these are not exquisite enough to sustain the show by themselves. 

Something to look forward to?

For me, this only thing to look forward to are the days when Supernatural leaves aired television and opens up it's one hour slots to more deserving programs. The show did have a few sparks of potential, but with the multiple deaths of main characters, twisted and confusing story lines and maddening stretching out of events, it could barely manage a feeble glow of success let alone a brilliant set of fireworks.

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